Mild form of slavery? Probably.
Cheap tube socks? You bet!
If the US government has done their job, then you think that humans are inherently tolerant people that are sometimes brainwashed by general society into racism. Wrong. Its natural to single out people that differ from us and force them to use separate bathrooms, drink from water fountains laced with LSD, and enslave the general populace to harvest cotton to be sold to the royalty in Europe.
In all reality, we're all a little racist at heart. Some more than others. Even in seemingly politically correct Hollywood, where, to the surprise of the outside world who sees Hollywood as a safe-haven for liberal ideals, racism runs rampant. Hollywood is an ocean of racist slander and intolerance. Today i'll point one of the worst lies ever to disgrace our democratic free soil: Lenny Kravitz.

Lenny Kravitz
Those sandals aren't a fashion statement.
They're all he came to America with.
They say Kravitz is jewish and black, but in reality jews and blacks CANNOT reproduce together, it is biologically impossible. Jews are actually a super race, who figured out how to disallow their genes to combine with those of certain other races, including blacks, Koreans, and Australians. This way their superior genes can carry on long into the future without fear of tainted children.
Kravitz himself was a creation of the music industry to perpetuate the
false belief jews and blacks can intermingle. In fact, Kravitz is a Russian immigrant painted black. A new, robotic voice box was inserted to his larynx to imitate the voice of a suave New Yorker that could make any woman who hadn't been sterilized by the local nuclear power plant melt.
How do I know all this? You can also look at Kravitz's lyrics, which hint at his Russian tendencies. See for yourself.
She was only seventeen
Disgusting, Kravitz.
And if you are ready He always is ready for you
Homosexuality is rampant in Ru
He's spreading funk throughout the nations
FUNK is code for bootleg Russian vodka.
If you still aren't convinced he's Russian, buy an album by him. On the last page of each booklet included with the CD, there is a photo of Stalin, Kravitz photo-shopped next to him, arm in arm.
In communist Russia as a young man, Kravitz was the icon used by the communist regime to reinforce separationist ideas, and prove the superiority Russia had over other, so called "free" nations. Ironically enough, Kravitz was the reason the USSR collapsed.
The year was 1989. Kravitz was a young, fresh out of Moscow School of Standardized Russian Rock. He was set to perform for Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev. As he began to play is style of generic rock and roll everyone could relate too, a bomb went off in the back of the arena. A sympathizer to one of Kravitz's competing artists, Kurt Cobain, had blown himself up over the fact Kravitz had been chosen over him to perform. This led to a chain of events that eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Don't believe all that shit about Reagan negotiating with Gorbachev. It was essentially a rock and roll revolution.
Long story short, Virgin Records picked up Kravitz off the streets of St. Petersburg and began the transformation. The US government paid Virgin to turn him into an award winning Jewish-African American rocker. It worked.
And so you have it. Lenny Kravitz: Communist Sympathizer.
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