This is the official Great English blog site. Since I am too lazy to produce a web page as of now (classes started again) this is the official GEHQ. Great English is an idea that was generated by myself and a group of friends in the town of Evansville, WI. The idea pretty much lost momentum right away because we all have temporary mindsets. I want to start GE back up again and god damnit everyone better commit to this. The Great English blog will be all about random posts, drawings and any other shit myself or my friends feel like putting on here. Great English as of now has 3 main contributers: Alex A. Tom F. and Alex S. Come here if you like to enjoy yourself. Visit the GE myspace at : www.myspace.com/greatenglish. Until next time...thanks, -GEAS.
how wonderfully delightful!
thanks carl, you're always welcome to submit some silly news stories.
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