Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Featured Artist: midgetparts

WARNING: I am about to fully misrepresent our new friend Allan. We had a stimulating conversation via the internet, and in my infinite wisdom I decided it would be smart to not remember the simple task of saving it. I copied the things we said that i could remember verbatim, however it's not much, and apologize profusely to Allan (who is a totally rad guy even though you'd never guess it from this interview), and everyone else who thinks this sucks.
Please check out the artwork as well as the links below, and enjoy the eye candy.

Name:Allan Bjornaa
Current residence: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

How long have you been doing your artwork?
About 4 years....professionally(as my job) about 5 months

So what do you do for a living?
I am an artist. Plus i make t-shirts

Are you going to have any t-shirts on Midget Parts?
Yeah, next week. I’ve got a couple designs.

Full Gallery: http://midgetparts.deviantart.com/


see full work at: http://midgetparts.deviantart.com/

"fashion statement"

see full work at:

"let's go bombing"

see full work at: http://midgetparts.deviantart.com/

"soccer mom"
see full work at:

If you've enjoyed this stuff as much as we have...support him. Below are a couple of sites that can help you do that. Check it out.




AL RULES said...

Thanks for showing my work. Much appreciated...

AL RULES said...

nice work dan rather...
